Connect Trezor login to Your Computer:

  1. Plug your Trezor into your computer using the provided USB cable.
  2. Open the Trezor Website or Compatible Wallet:
  3. Open the Trezor website or a compatible wallet software on your computer.
  4. Follow On-Screen Instructions:
  5. The website or wallet software will guide you through the steps. It may ask you to confirm the connection on your Trezor device.
  6. Enter PIN:
  7. You will be prompted to enter your PIN on the Trezor device. The numbers on the Trezor device change position with each use, so make sure to look at the device and not the computer screen for the correct position of the numbers.
  8. Access Your Wallet:
  9. Once you've successfully entered the PIN, you should have access to your wallet through the Trezor device.

Remember, never enter your PIN or recovery seed on a computer or online platform. The security of Trezor lies in its ability to generate and store private keys offline on the device.

If you're facing any issues, it's recommended to consult the official Trezor documentation or contact Trezor support for assistance. Always make sure you're using the official Trezor website or a trusted wallet application to interact with your Trezor device.